Thursday, March 6, 2008

Easter candy

I love Easter for many reasons , the most important of course is Easter itself, but here are a few other...

1) It's a sign that warm weather is coming
2) My girls look cute in their new Easter dresses,
3) Peeps, Peeps and more Peeps
4) Reese's Peanut butter eggs
50 Hershey's chocolate Easter eggs
6) Fernwood's A lmondette's

I could go on and on...Easter candy is the BEST! Better than any other holiday candy!

However, I feel sorry for those of you that were not raised in a grocery store with a huge penny candy selection. I always loved going to my Grandpa's store. ( I will write more on that one day. ) My favorite candy as child was a licorice whips with cream filling. What is your favorite Easter or penny candy?


neffgang said...

Jimmy -

I thought I was the only guy in the world that loved licorice whips with cream filling.

The thought of those makes my family dry heave.

I used to get red ones at Fernwoods that had yellow, pineapple flavored cream. They were about the size of a cigarette and twelve times as good. (So I hear.)

By the way, if you love Almondette's, all I can say is this: Welcome to the family, dear brother.

Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

I havent even heard of licorice whips with cream filling!

h.justin said...

Last night at the market, I bought: 1 bag sour Starburst jelly beans, 1 bag Sweetarts jelly beans, 1 bag Cadbury dark chocolate Easter eggs. I thought to myself, "Easter has the BEST candy." But Easter vs. penny candy? I'd probably go with penny candy. Penny candy would be SourPatch Kids, Swedish fish, and the like sold for a penny each on, say, a convenience store counter, right?

Anonymous said...

Easter candy is the best. We love the Reeses eggs at our house. Although now you can get them in most any shape at all the other holidays. Mark and I had an almondette the other day. Yum! I'm sad my kids don't get to experience penny candy.

mary said...

I love,love,LOVE Easter candy!!! However I'm not with you on the peeps! Nasty!