Saturday, May 24, 2008

Standing in the Rain

$135.00 for a barrel of oil. It was at $65.00 a barrel a year ago. I think this will cause economic pressures around the world that will have dramatically impact on our daily lives with in the next 6 months. One indicator that our lives will change is mass transit.

I often look over at those at the bus stop with a little bit of jealousy. The idea of relaxing or sleeping on the bus is dreamy. Except for the fact that I would have two little ones with me. The other morning there was a very handsome gentleman at the bus stop waiting in the rain. So handsome I had to stop and offer him a ride. As I pulled over to the bus stop, small voices in the back, excitably exclaimed Papa!!!

After careful analysis of gas prices and mileage my father has begun taking the bus, a few days a week. This is wonderful for me and my girls. Every now and then we catch him at the bus stop or at the office and can share a ride home. Although, the girls are very shy they love riding with Papa. They love sharing their Princess, Wiggles and Christmas music with him. I just can't wait until they hit him up for College funds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I first saw the title of this post I thought you were going to talk about Foreigner's classic song --Juke Box Hero